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Manometro bronze

Giuliano’s creativity and desire to renew Manometro remaining faithful to its classic and iconic design never stops! We are glad to present to you the new Manometro with a bronze case. 


Cylindrical case with a diameter of 45 mm and a height of 14 mm in natural bronze with a right-angled base.

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Giuliano Mazzuoli

Many call him architect, and he responds “I do not have a degree, and please do not put a title in front of my name.” This is Giuliano Mazzuoli who for more than seventy years has lived and worked in the hills around Florence. He says that he discovered design when he was older…


Via Leonardo da Vinci 118/3
50028 Barberino Tavarnelle
Firenze – Italy

IVA: IT 05411380487
REA: FI 544813

Codice Fiscale e N. Iscrizione reg. imprese: FI 05411380487

Capitale sociale: € 10.000,00 i.v.

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